Or I could say, how conscious you are, could be measured under pressure and under challenges. And around unconscious people.
Because these three things are challenging. They aren’t very easy to go through. So when one of these things occur, you are pretty much up to a test. A test to see whether you can stay calm and conscious. If you can’t, then that means you got lost. Lost in unconsciousness.
Think about it. If you take a closer look at whatever challenge that you are about to solve, there’s no need to tense up. Tensing up does not serve any purpose at all!
Back to the title though, it might be misleading to say that who you really are is under pressure. That’s not a correct way to put what I’m trying to say here. It’s better to say, you will know how detached you are of challenges, by how much of resistance you feel to challenges.
If you feel anger, jealousy, grievance or whatever kind of negative emotion due to a circumstance, then you have some work left to do. Some work left to take care of. As in your spiritual growth. To separate this movie and the watcher.